plus size blouses I highly recommend for women who wear large cup size bras! It is still available in its white color in all plus sizes!
That instantly fitted blouse and other
urban fashion from Baby Phat’s Dream Catcher collection will be on sale at
50% off, for 2 hours, between 1 – 3 pm est. today!
Click on this watercolor, feather print one shoulder dress to see the sale tops, dresses, jeans and pants on sale, between 1-3.

In fact the 3rd blouse I show in my
Instantly fitted Plus Size Blouses! One perfect for women who wear Large Cup Size Bras! post is on sale, not just today’s 2 hr sale, for just $30. I got this blouse last week,

with the
Knit plus size jeans
, also on sale, they look great, together, and with other things in my wardrobe already!
Actually, I ordered them one morning last week, they hit the porch the next morning, and I paid standard shipping!
Which was noting compared to:
I live in This Old House. It dose not have central air.
It was very hot upstairs in my bedroom. Yet when I tried this fitted blouse and knit jeans on…
I posed in front of the mirror for quite a while.
I hate the heat
But I had not looked so good in years, and about 30 pounds
The jeans fit so well, and it being summer, I finally knew that knit Capri by Baby Phat

And these Splatter Cat Capri

could only look better than the shorts I normally wear.
I ordered them on Friday, they hit the porch yesterday, Monday, (standard shipping!), and I will be looking a lot better this summer for sure!
Like the blouse, and knit jeans, these Carpi pants are also on sale, every day at $30, which did not hurt either!