The very Idea of being able to fit in to a D cup Swimsuit though! Think of the much larger selection and the savings!
Lots of the styles I write about here, with the exception of the Christina and Just My Size Swimwear, likely all fit D cup sized women! The President / CEO of Always for Me told me this is pretty much true of all plus size swimwear. Always for Me advises often, especially for their own chic but cheap plus size swimwear, if you wear a D cup or larger bra, just order a size larger!
Actually for me, an extreme inverted triangle shaped woman, I’d get one of Always for Me’s own brand of tankini or skirtini swimsuit from their clearance section. (here is a direct link to it. Sales
Soon the responsibilities that overwhelm my weekends will over take me. But early next week I hope to look into who we could write to at the fuller cup bra makers. Just incase either of us, and perhaps other full busted women, get in the letter writing mood. I know, the mood its self eludes me too.
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