Thanks to my inadvertent exercise plan, I had lost a bit of weight, I guess about 12 to 15lbs, but I still wear a J cup size bra. I am wearing a Regular women’s size Large in Gap stretch t-shirts. Mine are 2% spandex, the rest cotton, theirs are, currently on sale for $12.50, rather than $16.50, are 5% spandex, the rest cotton. Good for winter, I imagine.
You could go to the gap via this Old Navy link below, where the Gap is at the top left, then try to use the RetailMeNot code given today “HOORAH” to get 25% off.
Or you, or I for that matter, (except my funds are tight, and my holiday shopping not quite done), Could take the Discount Codes link in the top paragraph, scroll down to find the gap, coupon and shop it from there.
In other words, I do not know if you have to go through their, Retail Me Not’s site to enjoy these savings with their code, or can apply them from anywhere on line?
But I am looking. Likewise this goes for the Bare Necessities code given, in my last post. It seems they do not post when these codes are good until, nor from where.
I can say that the Gap size large regular women’s t-shirt in 2% spandex fits a 165lb short women who wears a J cup size bra, being me. If you are comfy with the thickset look, which I am. I can also say, below 70 degrees, 2% spandex is good, comfy even, about 70 degrees, just too clammy.
Do you have a favorite T-shirt? Mine have varied over the years. Now it is the above mentioned.
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