JUST for YOU: How about Something FREE!
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What about you, just you, and for the rest of the year?
Get together with your best girl friend and a measuring tape, for a girls night in! Then get on line to set up your own personal shoppers at My Shape! It is FREE, and you can enjoy their suggestions and discounts from then on.
You can read about why and how you might want to set up a My Shape Personal Shop. Then you get your friend, a tape measure, (Its all about fit!) your favorite takeout food and beverage and enjoy. In addition, My Shape does not flood your email account.
For the rest of the year(s possibly), to come. I’ve been eyeing up
Days of the Week Panties!
Ever been clueless as to what to wear in the AM? Do you spend a certain part of the week, as I do, at brain-dead’s threshold? Both My Shape, (with a little planning, helps set you up with some swift, go to outfits!), and days of the week panties could be of assistance!
Do they come in plus sizes? So far up to XL, or 18, but I will keep looking, because I’m a big fan, and I need a bit more order to my life and wardrobe.
Well the following two, at Figleaves, come in sizes up to what they call 18, which their size charts say equals US L.
At Figleaves, for on sale for just $24.30, in sizes up to 18, or Large
Seven Satin Days of the Week panties! These are in their Outlet, so they may well be on their way out. Click on their picture to shop them. It took a lot to find them when I looked this time.
Also at Figleaves, Suggestive Mary Green 7 Days of the Week Panties, in sizes up to US L, for $99, cotton and spandex. These pricey panties come with suggestions like: For Dancing, and For My Sweetie, its like fortune cookies, but with suggestions as to what to do today. I cannot afford these pricey panties, and I sure do not need anything else to do, buy they look comfy and cute!
Back to the more affordable panties. The Satin Days of the Week Panties were $81, they’d go on sale occasionally, but not too often.
At Bare Necessities, in pretty pastels, on sale for $25, or black and white, with a grey and a pink, for $30 selections of St. Eve’s 7 Days of the Week Boy Shorts, which come in sizes up to XL. These are stretch cotton panties!
Gift yourself, for free, or with making life simpler, days of the week panties on sale. Get yourself something to enjoy the rest of the year!
There you have it, gift tips from the overtired and more than half spent!
Something simple, something sweet.
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